Austin R – History of Guest House Treatment Center – Lake Orion, MI

Austin R – History of Guest House Treatment Center – Lake Orion, MI

AA Pioneers
April 1, 2021
Until the early 1940s, Ripley was battling his own crippling addiction to alcohol. As a recovering alcoholic, Ripley observed through priest acquaintances that Catholic priests were not succeeding in overcoming their own addictions through traditional means. Ripley decided to devote himself to the creation of a treatment program that respected not only the religious calling of priests and other religious people but also preserved their dignity as human beings. First opened and closed in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin in 1951, Guest House was founded on Ripley’s profound belief that his program should “save the individual; save the vocation,” and in precisely that order. Guest House eventually opened permanently in Lake Orion, Michigan.