Norm A

Norm A. -Sober since 2/23/54 -recorded in 1973

Norm A. -“i want to welcome tonight all the new people in your first 30 days of alcoholics anonymous, i say this without really...

Norm A. -Midland, TX -6/18/74

Norm A. -“i’m alcoholic because i drank a lot of whiskey that’s why i’m alcoholic. my case is relatively simple. i drank that booze...

Norm A. from Monrovia, CA

Norm A. -"you've now associated yourself with the most popular unpopular organization in the world. if you are alcoholic, or if you have a...

Norm A. -San Jose RoundUp, -California -3/2/82

Norm A. -"i’m not by any stretch of the imagination an authority, a consultant or a counselor on the program of alcoholics anonymous, i’m...

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